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Chocolate Fruit & Seed Bark


IP Raspberry Chocolate Temptation Bar

1 pkg Sweet & Salty Trail Mix

2 tbsp dried chayote (recipe here)

1 oz hot milk

In a small double boiler- I prefer small saucepan with 1 inch water in bottom- place an oven safe bowl into well of saucepan, making sure it does not touch water. Turn heat on to low. Break 1 raspberry chocolate temptation bar in to pieces and place in bowl to melt down. Use a silicon spatula to mix while melting. Once melted, add in 1 package of sweet & salty trail mix, and 2 tbsps of dried chayote. Mix well. Add 1 ounce of hot milk (not skim - just regular). Milk has to be hot or it will shock your chocolate. Mix until all ingredients are combined. Remove from hea , pour onto parchment paper, smooth and shape nice and even. Let set at room temperature, then refrigerate. You may break into pieces and store in an airtight container. This is a restricted and unrestricted product together - so 2 IP servings, and the Raspberry Chocolate Temptation Bar is limited to 1 per week.

1 restricted, 1unrestricted, 1/2 cup vegetables

Recipes created by Dea Marie of Dea’s Recipes. For more recipes join her Facebook group at:

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