1.5 cups of diced kohlrabi (small)
½ cup diced green onion
1 garlic clove pressed
1 oz half and half
1 beaten egg
4 tbsp of water
1 tsp prepared mustard – your choice
1 tbsp hot sauce – your choice – I like Franks
2 tsp olive oil
1 cheese packet
Preheat oven to 350 Degrees
In a skillet add oil and garlic sauté until fragrant and add in kohlrabi pan fry stirring until the kohlrabi starts to brown. Add in green onions and cook for a few more minutes.
In a small bowl beat egg, add in half and half, mustard, water, hot sauce, and the cheese packet whisking until smooth. Now add in kohlrabi and combine well, pour into a small casserole dish.
Bake for 30 minutes.
Serve hot
Tip: Do a veggie combination with turnip, fennel, and kohlrabi
Tip: Garnish with choice of raw onion or chives
Tip: Increase hot sauce for added kick